Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Google Reader Griever

Well, I guess I can't procrastinate any longer.  It's time to say goodbye to the easiest way that I read and follow blogs, which was via Google Reader and Google Friend Connect. Why they are fixing something that ain't broken is a puzzle to me-I guess they don't realize how hard we all work and the thrill that we get seeing that follower number rise rise rise.  I feel like it's back to square one.

Many people are making the switch to Bloglovin', and that switch is easy since it imports all the blogs you currently subscribe to.  I don't think anything that is "starred" in reader (which is saved) is imported.  So all those blog tips, pictures, and ideas are down the drain.  One thing I don't like is that all the posts are truncated in Bloglovin, so that means you have to click through to every blog to see the whole post.  I can't see myself doing that, so it probably means I'm going to miss a lot of good stuff.  But of course i'll expect you to click through to mine.  Wink wink. 

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Pretty pretty please. 

Somehow I have followers on bloglovin' already.  Bless your hearts.  When I figure out what i'm doing, i'll put a follow widget up.  Or, you can tell me how.

Please also consider signing up for emails and Pinterest and Facebook over on the right hand side.

I'll never let go, internet friends.  I'll never let go!


  1. I am with you sister! How annoying!! I'm on bloglovin' too... and was probably already following you since I imported everything a couple of months ago. You better believe I will continue to read on Google Reader right until Sunday night though... haha! :)

  2. I've been trying out bloglovin and feedly for about a month now. The truncated posts on bloglovin made me crazy. I follow a ton of blogs and just can't comment on all of them. I only want to open the link to make comments. Feedly is the clear winner for me. It was just as easy to set up and you can set up the format you like best. Feedly doesn't work in internet explorer, but works great in google chrome. It's my new favorite reader and I don't even miss google reader now. You might want to give it a try!

  3. I made the jump early to Bloglovin and like it! I do miss Google Reader but things change. Not sure why Google did away with their reader but Bloglovin is OK. Oh and yes I'll always click through to you and you best do the same for me!


  4. I hate that Google Reader is going away, too. I'm also on Bloglovin but don't know one thing about it.

  5. I switched over to BlogLovin a couple days ago... I'm so far out of the blogging loop, I didn't even know anything about GoogleReader until everybody started throwing a fit about it! lol

  6. if you activate the toolbar for browsing on bloglovin, you can open your first blog and then navigate through them using the newer and older buttons.

  7. I decided to write a post inspired by this one!

  8. I am late to remind followers of the changeover. I still can't believe that it can't be saved!

  9. I am bummed out by losing Google Reader too. :( But I am following your through bloglovin now so we can stay friends. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  10. I know me too. I'm on Wordpress and was still logging on to reader to browse my blogs..and now even facebook is a bust because not all my blogs update there anymore..blah...there's so many portals now :)

  11. I haven't made the switch over yet and keep hoping for a miracle. I guess I need to get with the program though since the deadline is looming....
    Thanks for stopping by my blog to chat :o)

  12. I hate all the changes. I need to add bloglovin'. Thanks Laura


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i so appreciate all of your comments and respond to each one. unfortunately if you don't have a blog or email address listed, i can't give you love back even tho i'd like to.