Monday, December 15, 2014

The best things

No gift guide, no decorations, just these 2 things. The best things. The loves of my life.

A sideways rub or a head nudge speaks so loudly to me. How do your animals communicate with you?


  1. Such sweet furry love! Charlie meows at me sometimes but he looks deeply into my eyes and I swear he sends me thoughts....'feed me' is his favorite of course! The purrs, heads butts and licks are all a part of my darling Charlie.

  2. They are adorable! I have the same kind of purring loves at home!

  3. AWW they are so precious, those little faces melt me.

  4. Cutie pies....such sweet faces too!

  5. Your cats are so cute :)
    And thanks for stopping by my blog.

  6. awwww, that's the best post ever. I didn't have any gift guides either. I felt like gift guide overload on the interwebs this season and wasn't in the mood.
    Merry merry Christmas to you and the sweet little furry children.


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