Finally! For four years i have been lamenting the tv stand situation, and for 4 years this beauty has been sitting in our garage. She was piled on top of, piled around, and parked in. Can't tell you what finally motivated the boyfriend to drag her in the house and start working on her, but whatever the reason-here she is!
Do i have a before? Nope. Just picture something more orange, with a veneer top, grimy handles, and all drawer fronts and you have your before. Settle in, we're taking a nice long look.
Since we hardly use the receiver, we concealed it in a drawer front that just folds down. This makes me the most happy. Hide the uglies.
Advice on chair legs-paint them? Stain them to match? Leave as is? Metal? No one's noticing, so who cares?
This wall needs some round shapes. Er, circles. Yes, i knew there was a word for "round shapes."
Cat outtakes-the very best part!
Bad before, or early after-whatever you choose to call it-i'm glad it's gone!

Loving the after.

A refresher on the other half of the room.

See, it's even more Emily Henderson-esque than the last time. I could not be loving this living room more. Have you added any mid century pieces to your home recently? Was it sitting in your garage for 4 years, like mine? Probably not, you guys are good.

Currently @ Dearest Love, Random Wednesday @ Because Shanna Said So, sharing is caring: , thrifty treasures @ southern hospitality, travel photo mondays @ travel photo discovery, , Monthly projects @ Evolution of Style Make it Pretty Mon @ Dedicated House inspire me mondays t @ domestically speaking, Before and After @ Thrifty Decor Chick, Mod Vintage Life, Motivate Me Mon @Keeping it Simple, persia lou, home stories a-z, nifty thrifty @ Coastal Charm, be inspired @ elizabeth and co, the scoop @ stone gable, inspire me tues, lil luna, you're gonna love it @ kimsixfix, get your craft on, sugar bee crafts. your designs this time, inspire me weds @ 733, wow us weds @ savvy southern style, twirl and take a bow @ house on the way, work it weds @ the blissful bee, outdoor weds @ a southern daydreamer, whimsy wednesday, wicked awesome weds @ handy man, crafty woman, look what i made, whatever goes weds @ someday crafts, think and make @ houseologie, charm of home, link party palooza @ tatertots and jello, Flaunt it Friday @ Chic on a Shoestring, open house @ no minimalist here, creativity unleashed @ shaken together,inspiration gallery @ Craftberry Bush, Frugal Friday @ The Shabby Nest, my romantic home, jennifer rizzo, Weekend Bloggy Reading @ Serenity now, furniture fridays @ mustard seed, Feathered Nest @ French Country Cottage, design it fridays @ finding fabulous, best diy @ 36th ave, overflowing w/ creativity @ it's overflowing, nifty thrifty sundays, under the table and dreaming. inspire me please @ liz marie blog,sunday best @ the girl creative shaken together,