The artist. You are so right, Nathan. I'm going to add art made from sounds (ie music, cuz that's art, too).
Legos, all of it. The floor, the table, the drawers.
Whoa. Dinosaur got a room all too himself. Doesn't this look like you're in a Natural History Museum or something? You could say this was bones, and i'd believe you.

This was an original creation, titled Grasp, and was life size. All of the original pieces had an explanation or positive words, which was a nice touch.
The art reproductions were some of my favorites, as you can compare it to the original.
This pixelated Mona Lisa used 4,573 legos to create.
I forget what this was titled, but it looks awesome. Something about how creativity is inside us all, i think.
The scream! Some of the art pieces were dimensional, like this, American Gothic and Whistler's Mother.
So crazy, i can't even imagine making this actually work out.
The Kiss, by Gustav Klimt, was one of my favorites, too. So perfect to the painting, and this was dimensional and life size.
The Swimmer too 15 days to complete and used over 10,980 pieces.
The Wave.
Ok, i know it's just a towel, but that DRAPE is killer. How does that even happen!!??
Tree huggers.
The Venus De Milo, also life size, and used 18, 483 pieces of legos.
Which are your favorites? Ever seen sculptures in a unique medium? I'd love to see those giant butter carvings, but i'd settle for a fabulous sand castle display.

sharing is caring: Currently @ Dearest Love, Random Wednesday @ Because Shanna Said So, sharing is caring: , thrifty treasures @ southern hospitality, travel photo mondays @ travel photo discovery, , Monthly projects @ Evolution of Style inspire me mondays t @ domestically speaking, Before and After @ Thrifty Decor Chick, Mod Vintage Life, Motivate Me Mon @Keeping it Simple, persia lou, home stories a-z, nifty thrifty @ Coastal Charm, be inspired @ elizabeth and co, the scoop @ stone gable, inspire me tues, lil luna, you're gonna love it @ kimsixfix, get your craft on, sugar bee crafts. your designs this time, inspire me weds @ 733, wow us weds @ savvy southern style, twirl and take a bow @ house on the way, work it weds @ the blissful bee, outdoor weds @ a southern daydreamer, whimsy wednesday, wicked awesome weds @ handy man, crafty woman, look what i made, whatever goes weds @ someday crafts, think and make @ houseologie, charm of home, link party palooza @ tatertots and jello, Flaunt it Friday @ Chic on a Shoestring, open house @ no minimalist here, creativity unleashed @ shaken together,inspiration gallery @ Craftberry Bush, Frugal Friday @ The Shabby Nest, my romantic home, jennifer rizzo, Weekend Bloggy Reading @ Serenity now, furniture fridays @ mustard seed, Feathered Nest @ French Country Cottage, design it fridays @ finding fabulous, best diy @ 36th ave, overflowing w/ creativity @ it's overflowing, nifty thrifty sundays, under the table and dreaming. inspire me please @ liz marie blog,sunday best @ the girl creative shaken together,