Let it be known that i love my little cape.
When we turned the fourth bedroom into the dining room, we created this wonderful flow on the main floor. But flow is not the same as open concept. Open concept isn't even what i want exactly... i want sight lines.
As this is not a major renovation, "as much as i can" is the name of the game. I want the living room to feel more open and connected to the kitchen (as much as i can), i want more natural light shining into the kitchen, and i want to see (as much of the dining room as i can) from the kitchen without having to stick my head out a doorway. And most of all i want to see from the front of the house to the back. Sight lines. Connectedness. Light.
These older pictures give a better sense of the closed off dark space.
Separate kitchen.
Landing area (not really a hallway, but a spot with 3 doors and 3 openings). I refer to it as the vestibule.
Separate (super old photo) living room.
Let there be some mutha flippin' light!
Hey, front door!
Hey sight lines!
Hey back door!
Not much, but still a view into the kitchen from my spot on the couch.
Hey living room!
Hallway/vestibule certainly seems bigger.

We are either adding a trashcan cabinet here, and the new countertop would go all the way, or we are leaving it as is. We added the (just framed) half wall behind the club chair, because otherwise that's weird and there's a club chair in your kitchen. You can see the how far out the wall came with the unfinished floor.
So bright!
So connected! Standing in my kitchen, behind the club chair, and able to see into the living room!
Hey sliver of dining room, but you are more than i had before! (Hey silly Lily).
All is good, all is bright. This girl's happy. Hope whatever project you're tackling lately, it's making you happy.
sharing is caring: Currently @ Dearest Love, Random Wednesday @ Because Shanna Said So, sharing is caring: , thrifty treasures @ southern hospitality, travel photo mondays @ travel photo discovery, , Monthly projects @ Evolution of Style inspire me mondays t @ domestically speaking, Before and After @ Thrifty Decor Chick, Mod Vintage Life, Motivate Me Mon @Keeping it Simple, persia lou, home stories a-z, nifty thrifty @ Coastal Charm, be inspired @ elizabeth and co, the scoop @ stone gable, inspire me tues, lil luna, you're gonna love it @ kimsixfix, get your craft on, sugar bee crafts. your designs this time, inspire me weds @ 733, wow us weds @ savvy southern style, twirl and take a bow @ house on the way, work it weds @ the blissful bee, outdoor weds @ a southern daydreamer, whimsy wednesday, wicked awesome weds @ handy man, crafty woman, look what i made, whatever goes weds @ someday crafts, think and make @ houseologie, charm of home, link party palooza @ tatertots and jello, Flaunt it Friday @ Chic on a Shoestring, open house @ no minimalist here, creativity unleashed @ shaken together,inspiration gallery @ Craftberry Bush, Frugal Friday @ The Shabby Nest, my romantic home, jennifer rizzo, Weekend Bloggy Reading @ Serenity now, furniture fridays @ mustard seed, Feathered Nest @ French Country Cottage, design it fridays @ finding fabulous, best diy @ 36th ave, overflowing w/ creativity @ it's overflowing, nifty thrifty sundays, under the table and dreaming. inspire me please @ liz marie blog,sunday best @ the girl creative shaken together, best of the nest @ dimples and tangles.