Saturday, May 15, 2010

odds and ends

I need to say a big thank you to Lindsey at Better After and Carolyn at My Backyard Eden for featuring the sunroom literally took me two weeks to get through all the posts in my google reader account.  it's actually pretty funny when you're reading along, and it's like...wait, i recognize that.  oh, it's me.

thankfully, now i'm all caught up and it has stopped saying "1000+."  The moral here is that i apparently read waaaaay to many blogs.  But i ain't stoppin' any time soon!

Also, Creative Home Expressions is giving away a CSN gift certificate.  These CSN guys are everywhere lately, and sooner or later i'm gonna win one.  I'm betting it's going to be later.  much, much later. 

Look, i have actually figured out, thanks to the updated blogger, how to insert a link.  I know, it's about time.  I never claimed to be computer savvy.  And strikethrough...i always thought that was spellcheck!  Let's try this out.  I'm a loser slow on the uptake.  Hmm, is that line too thick?  Is there a way to change that?

 It's the small things, really, that make me happiest. 


Jess @ Frugal with a Flourish said...

My reader has me all intimidated too! I have been so behind! Congrats on your feature!

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

yay for your feature! I recently did several posts on blog tips. Most people thought they were pretty easy to understand. Maybe you can check them out when you get a chance.
that's one of them.
take care,